Autism & Adventure

Our Motto is

'Every Jorney is for Everyone'


"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and

wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well". - Psalm 139:13-14



 Discover Our ASD Inclusion Tours



Welcome to AJET Israel ASD Travel page, your trusted travel partner specializing in providing unforgettable tours for individuals and families living with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). As a certified travel professional recognized by the International Board of Credentialing and Continuing Education Standards (IBCCES), we are committed to delivering safe, supportive, and enriching travel experiences for our ASD community

Why Pepole With ASD Must Travel ?

Exposure to New Experiences

Travel exposes individuals with ASD to new environments, cultures, and sensory stimuli, fostering adaptability and expanding their worldview.

Social Interaction Opportunities
Sensory Exploration
Independence and Confidence
Learning and Education
Stress Reduction and Relaxation
Expanding Perspectives
Creating Lasting Memories

Our ASD Tours



ASD Summer Group Tour


Ask Us For ASD-Friendly Group Travel

Our group summer tours offer a perfect balance of spiritual, adventure, education, and relaxation for individuals of all ages with ASD. Join us for an immersive journey through Israel's captivating landscapes and rich history.


Families With ASD Kids


Tailored Experiances for ASD Kids and Parents

Create cherished memories with your loved ones on our family-friendly tours designed to accommodate the unique needs of children with autism. From ancient wonders to modern marvels, explore Israel's wonders together with peace of mind


Adults With ASD


Customized Tours to suit the needs of ASD adult groups

Embark on a tailored journey of discovery and self-exploration with our adult-focused tours. Experience the beauty of Israel through personalized itineraries that cater to your interests, preferences, and comfort


Faith-Based ASD Israel Tours


Embark on a Spiritual Journey of Inclusion and Discovery

Plan on a transformative journey with our Faith-Based ASD Israel Tours. Designed specifically for individuals with ASD, these unique tours offer spiritual exploration, cultural immersion, and sensory-friendly experiences. Discover the holy sites of Israel while enjoying a supportive and inclusive environment tailored to the needs of individuals with ASD


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Why We Are The Best Choice



Cerified Expertise


We are certified travel professionals recognized by the International Board of Credentialing and Continuing Education Standards (IBCCES), ensuring that our tours are designed and operated with the specific needs of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in mind

Full Spectrum Help


Whether you're navigating air travel with autism for the first time or seeking tips for supporting a child with ASD during the tour, our comprehensive resources and expert guidance are here to help every step of the way.

Safety & Personalized Itineraries


We prioritize the well-being of every traveler, implementing safety measures to create a secure environment. We also work closely with each client to create customized itineraries that cater to their specific needs, interests, and comfort levels.

Upcoming Travel


Here are our upcoming summer group tours to Israel, specially designed for individuals with ASD. We offer three distinct tours catering to English-speaking, French-speaking, and Ethiopian & Eritrean groups.


Check out the details here to book:

Ethiopian & Eritrean
English Speaking
Pour les francophones
Ethiopian & Eritrean

9-Days Tour of Israel For ASD Groups of ETH & ERT


     Jerusalem / Israel

   August 16 - 24, 2024 

English Speaking
Pour les francophones

Plan Your ASD Inclusion Tour Today 


With a reputation built on trust, reliability, and excellence, AJET Israel is proud to be the preferred travel partner for numerous ASD networks, organizations, communities, and churches. Join the countless families and individuals who have entrusted us to deliver unforgettable travel experiences that exceed expectations and inspire lifelong memories. we understand the importance of creating a supportive and inclusive environment for our ASD travelers. That's why we organize groups based on similar cultural backgrounds, language preferences, and religious beliefs, ensuring that every participant feels understood, respected, and valued throughout their journey


Are your tours specifically designed for individuals with ASD?
What types of accommodations do you offer for individuals with ASD?
Are your tour guides trained in autism awareness?
How do you handle sensory sensitivities during travel?
What should I do if my child has sensory sensitivities while traveling?
Can you accommodate dietary restrictions or special needs?
How do you ensure a supportive and inclusive environment for individuals with ASD?
What safety measures do you have in place for individuals with ASD during travel?
Can families or caregivers accompany individuals with ASD on your tours?
Do you provide resources or support for individuals with ASD after the tour?
How do I book a tour for someone with ASD?

We offer B2B for Travel and Tour Agents 



How To Plan An Effective ASD Tour



How to start?


To start planning your tour or pilgrimage to Israel or other destinations, start by considering the following suggestions:


We are here to help


1. Define Your Travel Goals


Establish clear objectives for your trip, whether it's visiting specific destinations, experiencing new cultures, or seeking relaxation. Understanding your goals will help guide your planning process.


2. Research Autism-Friendly Destinations

Look for destinations that offer accommodations and attractions suitable for individuals with ASD. Research sensory-friendly activities, quiet spaces, and accessibility options to ensure a comfortable travel experience.

3. Create a Sensory-Friendly Itinerary

Plan your activities with sensory sensitivities in mind. Opt for quieter, less crowded attractions, and schedule breaks to prevent sensory overload. Consider incorporating familiar activities or routines to help ease transitions.


4. Communicate Your Needs

Reach out to tour operators, hotels, and transportation providers to discuss your specific needs and accommodations. Clearly communicate any sensory sensitivities, dietary restrictions, or special requirements to ensure a smooth and supportive travel experience.

5. Prepare Sensory Comforts

Pack sensory comfort items such as noise-canceling headphones, fidget toys, or weighted blankets to help manage sensory challenges during travel. Having familiar comforts on hand can provide comfort and reassurance in unfamiliar environments.


ASD Travel & Tour Request Form

Arrival Date

(Tentative Date)

We are ASD Travel Certified Professional