This Page is Dadicated For
St. John the Baptist and St. Arsema Monastery in California
This Page is Dadicated For
St. John the Baptist and St. Arsema Monastery in California
የኦርቶዶክስ ልጆች የማይቀሩበት
ታሪካዊ የሆነ የፋሲካ ጉዞ ወደ እየሩሳሌም
በመጥምቀ መለኮት ቅዱስ ዮሐንስ ወቅድስት አርሴማ የኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋህዶ አንድነት ገዳም በካሊፎርኒያ የሚመራ ጉዞ
Organized and led by
St. John the Baptist and St. Arsema Monastery in California
የትንሳዔ የኢየሩሳሌም ጉዞ ከፍተኛ ህዝብ የሚበዛበት ወቅት በመሆኑና በዓሉንም በጥሩ ሁኔታ ለማክበር ከፍተኛ ጥረትን የሚጥይቅ በመሆኑ ድርጅታችን ጥንቃቄ በተሞላበት ሁኔታ የሚያወጣቸውን የጉዞ መርሃ ግብር በአጽንኦት ይከታተሉ።
ወደ ቅድስት ሃገር ጉዞ መነሻ
እስራኤል የሚገቡበት ቀን
የእንኳን ደህና መጣችሁ አቀባበልና ወደ ሆቴል ጉዞ
እረፍት በሆቴል
Day 3
ደብረ ጽዮን ተራራ
የቅድስት ድንግል ማርያምን መካነ መቃብር
ጸሎተ ሐሙስ ፣ ዕፅበተ እግር
Day 4
ስቅለተ ዓርብ (ፍኖተ መስቀል)
የመስቀል መንገድ ጉዞ
ስግደት በጎሎጎታ
Day 5
ደብረ ዘይት ተራራ
የፋሲካ ሌሊት ቅዳሴ በጎሎጎታ
Day 6
የትንሣኤ ክብረ በዓል
Day 7
የዮርዳኖስ ወንዝ
የጨው ባህር
Day 8
ቃና ዘገሊላ
ደበረ ታቦር
Day 9
ታብጋህ - የተራራው ስብከት
የጀልባ ጉዞ በገሊላ ባሕር
Day 10
የነቢይ ኤልያስን ባዕት/ዋሻ
ቴል አቪቭ /ያፎ
Day 11
ቤተ ልሔም
ኢን ኬሬም
Day 12
ነጻ የግብይት ቀን
Day 13
ወደ ሀገራችሁ የምትሸኙበት ቀን
በዚህ የጉብኝት መርሐ ግብር ውስጥ የተካተቱት ዋና ዋና ቅዱሳዊ ቦታዎችን ብቻ ሲሆን ፣ በጉዞኣችን በርካታ እዚህ ውስጥ ያልተጠቀሱ ቅዱሳዊ ቦታዎችን እንጎበኛለን።
Day 1 የጕዞ መነሻ
በዚህ ዕለት ጕዞ ወቅድስት ሀገር የሚደረግበት ቀን ይሆንና፣ በነገታው ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ እግሮቹ በተመላለሱበት ምድር እርሰዎም ይራመዳሉ።
Day 2 ሰላምታና የእንኳን ደህና መጣችሁ አቀባበል!
በዚህ ዕለት ቤንጎርዮን የእስራኤል አየር ማረፊያ ያርፋሉ፤ በዚያም የአፍሮ ኢየሩሳሌም አስጎብኚ ድርጅት የሥራ ባልደረቦች ልባዊና መልካም የሆነ አቀባበል ያደርጉለዎታል። በቀጥታ ኢየሩሳሌም ወደ ያዝንለዎት ሆቴል እንወስደዎትና የእረፍት ጊዜ ያደርጋሉ። ራትና አዳራችን በኢየሩሳሌም ይሆናል።
Day 3 ጸሎተ ሐሙስ ፣ ዕፅበተ እግር
ከቍርስ በኋላ ቅዱስ ቦታ በሆነው በደብረ ጽዮን (2ሳሙ15፣30 ማር 11፣1 ሐዋ 1፣12) ጕብኝታችንን እንጀምራለን። በመቀጠል ጌታ የደቀ መዛሙርቱን እግር ወዳጠበበትና ከነርሱም ጋር የመጨረሻዋን የፋሲካን ራት ወደበሉበት ደርብ/ቤት እናቀናለን(ዮሐ13፡4)፤ ከዚያም ወደ ንጉሥ ዳዊት የመቃብር ሥፍራና ቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም ለዘላለም ወዳሸለበችብት ወደ ዶርሚሽን ቤተክርስቲያን እንቀጥላለን። በጽዮን በር በኩል ወደ ጥንታዊቷ የኢየሩሳሌም ከተማ እንገባና የአይሁድ ብቸኛ ቅዱስ ቦታ፣ ለሙስሊሞች ደግሞ ሦስተኛው ቅዱስ ቦታ የሆነውን ምዕራባዊውን የቤተ መቅደስ ክፍል እንጎበኛለን፤ ከዚህ ሁሉ በኋላ የጸሎተ ሐሙስ ሥርዐትን ለመካፈል ወደ ኢትዮጵያ ቤተ ክርስቲያን እንሄዳለን። ራትና አዳራችን በኢየሩሳሌም ይሆናል።
Day 4 አርብ ስቅለት (ፍኖተ- መስቀሉ)
በዚህ ዕለት ኢየሱስ ከሠላሳ ስምንት ዓመት ጀምሮ ባልጋ ቍራኛ ተይዞ የነበረውን ሰው የፈወሰባትንና የመጠመቂያ ሥፍራ የነበረባትን ቤተ ሳይዳን/ቤተ ስዳ/ በመጎብኝት እንጀምራለን (ዮሐ 5፣ 2-9)። ከዚያም ቪያ ዶሎሮሳ የተባለውንና ኢየሱስ ካባድና ፅኑ ጸዋትወ መከራ ያለፈበትን ባለ 14 ጣቢያ መንገድ ከጲላጦስ የፍርድ አዳራሽ እንጀምርና ዳር'ዔል ሡልጣን ላይ ጕዞአችንን እናብቃለን። የአርብ ስቅለት ሥርዐትን እንካፈልና ራትና ኣዳራችን በኢየሩሳሌም ይሆናል።
Day 5 ደብረ ዘይት ተራራ፣ የበዓለ ትንሣኤ ዋዜማ
በዚህ ዕለት ማለዳ ኢየሱስ በተሰቀለበት ቦታ በጎልጎታ የሚካሄደውን ሥርዐተ ቅዳሴን እንሳተፋለን። ከቍርስ በኋላ፣ በቀጥታ በመኪና ወደ ደብረ ዘይት ተራራ እንጓዛለን። እዚያ እንደደረስንም አስቀድመን ኢየሱስ ያረገበትን ሥፍራ - የዕርገት ቤተክርስቲያንን እንጎበኛለን። በመቀጠልም በአህያ ላይ ተቀምጦ ወደ ኢየሩሳሌም ለመግባት ወደ ጀመረባት ቦታ ወደ ቤተ ፋጌ እንሄዳለን(ሉቃ 19፣ 28-40)። ከዚያም ጌታ ለደቀ መዛሙርቱ "አባታችን ሆይ" የሚለውን ጸሎት ያስተማረበትን ቦታ ፓተር ኖስተር ቤተክርስቲያን (ኢልዮና)ን እንጎበኛለን። ደብረ ዘይት ተራራ አናት ላይ ሆነን ከርቀት የጥንታዊቷን የኢየሩሳሌም ውብ መልክዐ-ምድራዊ ገጽታን እየተመለከትንም ደስ እንሰኛለን፣ ከደብረ ዘይት ተራራ ቍልቍል እንወርድና ጌታ ኢይሩሳሌምን ዐይቶ ወዳለቀሰላት(ሉቃ 19፡ 41-44) ወደ ዶሚንዮስ ፍለቨት የጸሎት ቦታ እናመራለን። ኢየሱስ ሲጸልይ ወደ ተያዘባት ወደ ጌቴሴማኒ ያትክልት ስፍራ(ማቴ 26፣ 36-58/ ሉቃ 26፡ 36-58) ወደ ታዋቂው የሕዝቦች ሁሉ ቤተክርስቲያን ጉዞኣችን እንቀጥላለን። የዕለቱ ጉዞአችን የቅድስት ድንግል ማርያምን መካነ መቃብር በመመልከት ያበቃል። ከምሳ በኋላ በሆቴላችን እረፍት የምናደርግበት ጊዜ ይኖረናል። አመሻሹ ላይ ሻማ የማብራት ሥነ-ሥርዐትና የትንሣኤ የዋዜማ ምሽት ወደ ሚካሄድበት ወደ ዳር'ዔል ሡልጣን እንሄዳለን። ሌሊት ወደ 9፡00 ሰዓት ገደማ ወደ ማረፊያ ሆቴላችን እንመለሳለን።
Day 6 ዕለተ ሰንበት- የትንሣኤ ክብረ በዓል
በዚህች ዕለት የትንሣኤ ክብረ በዓል በሐሴት፣ በደስታ ብሎም ግሩም ከሆነ የፋሲካ ምሳ ጋር እናሳልፋለን። ኣዳር በኢየሩሳሌም ከተማ ይሆናል።
Day 7 ኢያሪኮ፣ የዮርዳኖስ ወንዝና ሙት ባሕር
ቀኑን አስገራሚ መልክዐ-ምድራዊ አቀማመጥና ገጽታ ያለውን የይሁዳ ምድረ በዳን እየተመለከትን ዜኬዎስ የወጣበትን የሾላ ዛፍና የኤልያስን ምንጭ ወደ ምንመለከትበት ወደ ኢያሪኮ በመጓዝ እንጀምራለን። ኢየሱስ በሰይጣን ወደ ተፈተነበት ወደ ገዳመ ቆሮንቶስ እንወጣለን። ከዚያም ኢየሰስ በዮሐንስ እጅ የተጠመቀበትን ልዩ የዮርዳኖስ ወንዝ ቦታ፣ ካሰር አል-ያሁድ እንጎበኛል። በደቡባዊው የሙት ባሕር ዳርቻ ወደ ምትገኘው፣ በዓለምም ካባሕር ጠለል በታች 400 ሜትር የመጨረሻው ረባዳ ቦታ ወደ ሆነው ወደ ዔይን ቦኬክ እንጓዛለን። በዚያም ደረጃውን በጠበቀ ባለ4 ኮከብ ሆቴል ውስጥ በዓለም እጅጉን በታወቀውና በጨው ማዕድን በበለጸገው ውሃ ወስጥ እንዝናናለን። ስፓ፣ ጃኩዚ፣ የመዋኛ ገንዳና በዚያ በሚገኙት የመዝናኛ አገልግሎት መስጫዎች ሆሉ እየተዝናናን ደስ እንሰኛለን።
Day 8 ደበረ ታቦር፣ ቃና ዘገሊላ፣ ናዝሬት
የዕለቱን ጕዟችንን በታችኛው የገሊላ ክፍል በኩል በማድረግ የኢይዝራዔልን ሸለቆንና ብሎም እንደ ዮሐንስ ራዕይ መሠረት የሰውልጆች የመጨረሻው ጦርነት የሚደረግበትን የሚግዶን አስደሳች መልክዐ-ምድራዊ ገጽታን እየተመለከትንና ደስ እየተሰኘን በቀጥታ ጌታ ብርሃነ-መለኮቱን ወደ ገልጠበት ወደ ደብረ ታቦር እናመራለን። ኢየሱስ በሰረግ ቤት ታድሞ የወይን ጠጅ ባለቀባቸው ጊዜ የመጀመሪያውን ተአምራት ያደረገበትን(ዮሐ 2፡1-11)ቃና-ዘገሊላንና በዚያም የሚገኘውን ቤተክርስቲያን እንጎበኛለን። በመቀጠልም ወደ ናዝሬት በማምራት መልአኩ ቅዱስ ገብርኤል ደስ ይበልሽ በማለት የኢየሱስን መወለድ ለድንግል ማርያምን ያበሠረበትን(ሉቃ 1፡26-38) ጥንታዊውን የብሥራት ዋሻን እንጎበኛለን። የዮሴፍን ቤትን እንመለከትና ወደ ማሪያም ምንጭ እንሄዳለን። አዳር በጥብርያዶስ ይሆናል።
Day 9 የገሊላ ባህርንና አካባቢው
ከቍርስ በኋላ ጉዞአችንን ወደ ዮርዳኖስ ወንዝ የመጠመቂያ ቦታ እናደርጋለን። ከዚያም ኢየሱስ የተራራውን ስብከት (አንቀጸ ብጹዓን) የሰበከበትን ተራራ እንጎበኛለን(ማቴ 5፡7)። በመቀጠልም ኢየሱስ አምስቱን እንጀራና ሁለቱን ዓሳ አበርክቶ ለሕዝቡ ወደ መገበበት ቦታ(ማቴ 14፡14-43) ወደ ታብጋ እንሄድና የ4ኛው ክ/ዘመን የሞዛይክ ጣራ ያለውን ቸርች ኦፍ መልቲፕልኬሽን /የበርክቶ ቤተክርስቲያን/ን እንጎበኛለን። በመቀጠልም ናዝሬትን ትቶ በመምጣት መኖሪያው ያደረገባትንና በምድር ላይም አገልግሎቱን ወደ ጀመረባት በዘልማድም የኢየሱስ ከተማ እየተባለች ወደ ምትጠራው ወደ ቅፍርናሆም እናልፋለን። በዚያም በሁለተኛው ክፍለ ዘመን የነበረ ምኲራብንና የቅዱስ ጴጥሮስ መኖሪያ የነበረውን ቤት እንጎበኛለን። በምሳ ሰዓት ግሩም የሆነውን የቅዱስ ጴጥሮስን ዓሣ እንመገብና በጀልባ ላይ ተሳፍርን ኢየሱስ በእግሩ የተራመደበትን የገሊላን ባሕርን እንሻገራለን(ማቴ14፡22-23)። በዘመነ ኢየሱስ የነበረውን የዓሣ አጥማጅ ጀልባ፣ "የኢየሱስ ጀልባን በኪቡጽ ጊኖሣር እንጎበኛለን። ለራትና ለአዳር ወደ ሆቴላችን እንመለሳለን።
Day 10 የኤልያስ ባዕት(ዋሻ)፣ ሐይፋ፣ ጃፋ፣ ሎድ
በዚህ ዕለት የቀርሜሎስ ተራራ የእግዚአብሔር የወይን ተክልንና የታላቁ ነቢይ የኤልያስን ባዕት/ዋሻ በመጎብኘት እንጀምራለን። ከዚያም በሐይፋ የሚገኝውንና ከፍ ካለው መልክዐ-ምድራዊ ገጽታ ላይ የተንጣለለውን፣ ባትክልትም የተዋበውን የባሂኢን ያምልኮ ሥፍራ ተመልክተን ወደ ቴል አቪቭ በሚወስደው በሜድትራንያን ባሕር ዳርቻ መንገድ ኣድርገን ወደ ጃፋ እናመራለን። በዚያም ነቢዩ ዮናስ ከእግዚአብሔርና ከትእዛዙ ለመኮብለል መርከብ የተሳፈረበትን ቦታና(ዮና 1፡3) ብሎም ደግሞ ሐዋሪያው ቅዱስ ጴጥሮስ በስድስት ሰዓት ያህል ይጸልይ ዘንድ ወደ ጣራው የወጣበትን የቍርበት ፋቂው የስምዖን ቤት(ሐዋ 10፡9-19) ፣ጥንታዊቷንም የጃፋን ወደብ እንጎበኛለን። አዳራችን በኢየሩሳሌም ይሆናል።
Day 11 ቤተ ልሔም፣ ኢን ኬሬም
በዚህ ዕለት ከቍርስ በኋላ ጉዞአችንን ወደ ንጉሡ ወደ ዳዊት ከተማ ወደ ቤተልሔም ይሆንና፣ በባሲልካ ኔቲቪቲ ምልክት የተደረገበትን የኢየሱስን የልደት ቦታ እንጎበኛለን(ሉቃ 2፣ 1-7)። መልአከ እግዚአብሔር ለሕዝቡ ሁሉ የሚሆን ታላቅ ደስታ የምሥራች እነግራችኋለሁና አትፍሩ ብሎ ለእረኞች የጌታን ልደት ያበሠረበትን፣ መንጋቸውን በሌሊት ሲጠብቁ በሜዳ ያደሩበትን ሥፍራ(የወተት ዋሻ)ን እንመለከታለን( ሉቃ2፡8-18)። ከሰዓት በኋላ የመጥምቁ ዮሐንስን የልደት ቦታ ዔይን ካሬምን እንጎብኛለን። ማርያም ዘመዷን ኤልሳቤጥን ለመጎብኝት የሄደችበት ሀገርና ከእርሷም ጋር የተገናኘበትን ሥፍራ ላይ ያልውን ቤተክርስቲያን እንጎበኛለን(ሉቃ1፡39-80)። የካህኑ የዘካሪያስና ኤልሳቤጥ ቤት፣ የማሪያምንም ምንጭ እንመለከታለን። በፍጻሜውም መጥምቁ ዮሐንስ በይፋ አግልግሎት የጀመረበትን ምድረበዳ እንጎበኝና የራት ጊዜና አዳራችን በኢየሩሳሌም ይሆናል።
Day 12 ነጻ የግብይት ቀን
ይህ ዕለት የግል ጉዳያችሁንና አንዳንድ ግብይት የምታከናውኑበት ቀን ይሆናል
Day 13 የጕዞ መመለሻ ቀን
ወደ ኤርፖርት በመሄድ ወደ ሀገራችሁ የምትሸኙበት ጊዜ ይሆናል።
* * * * *
ክፍያው የሚያጠቃልለው (INCLUDED)
ሆቴል ለ 11 ወይም 13 ለሊት
ቁርስ ምሳ እራት (ብፌ)
ትራንስፖርት ከአየር ማርፊያ (በግሩፕ ለሚገቡ ብቻ)
የቅዱሳዊ ቦታዎች ጉብኝት በዘመናዊ አውቶቡስ
አማርኛ ተናጋሪ አስጎብኚ
የጉብኝት ቦታዎች የመግቢያ ከፍያዎች
ክፍያው የማያጠቃልለው (EXCLUDED)
አለም አቀፍ የአየር በረራዎች (ለጥሩ የቲኬት ዋጋ ያነጋግሩን)
ለአስጎብኚ እና ለአውቶቡስ ሾፌር የሚሰጡ ቲፖች
ከአየር ማረፊያ ትራንስፖርት በግላቸው ለሚመጡ (ለማዘዝ ያነጋግሩን)
የጉዞ ኢንሹራንስ
ከምግብ ጋር የሚወሰዱ ተጨማሪ መጠጦች
"ከፍያው የሚያጠቃልለው" ውስጥ ከተዘረዘሩት ውጭ ማንኛውም አገልጎት
ሊያውቁት የሚገባ:
* የጉብኝትና ሆቴል አገልግሎት የሚጀምረው ከሚያዚያ 8(APRIL 16)ከቀኑ 9:00 ሰዓት (15:00) ይሆናል።
** ሆቴል በክፍል ሁለት መኝታ ይኖረዋል (Double Room Occupancy)
** ለብቻ የመኝታ ክፍል ለማዘዝ በቅድሚያ ያነጋግሩን (Single Room Supplement Per Request)
** የተጠቀሱት ቀናቶች ሁለት ወደ እስራኤል የመምጫና የመመለሻ ቀናቶችን ይጨምራል (Next Day Arrival)
የጉዞ ቀናቶች*
CODE- ETO 0123
ሚያዚያ 7 እስከ 17, 2017
15 - 25 April, 2025
$ 1,870 per person in Double room
CODE- ETO 0125
ሚያዚያ 7 እስከ 19, 2017
15 - 27 April 2025
$ 2,150 per person in Double room
Children (0-2) sharing a bed with their parents - Free
Children (2-12) sharing a bed with their parents - 10% Discount
Children ( 18 +) sharing a room with their parents - Full Price
See your tour route
Please read the following Important Notes
AJET Israel
Easter 2022
All reservations forms must be accompanied by a non-refundable deposit of $30 per person. Full payment is due March,2022.
*See specific extra fee cost for your tour package if paying by credit card. **Initial $30 deposit may be paid by credit card without generating extra credit card fees.
Sightseeing is included as per itinerary provided. Package is based on double occupancy sharing a 2 twin-bedded room with private facilities including all taxes and service charges. Double rooms must be booked for two (2) persons. Single rooms are available at an additional cost of $998. AJET Israel reserves the right to substitute hotels according to availability with adjustment where necessary.
Land-only packages do not include airfare. Group International air travel tickets (departure/return) are included with the Air-Land package only. You are responsible to book your own airfare ticket to departure city airport to meet up with the Group flying to Tel Aviv for departure, and your airfare ticket upon return (from Tel Aviv) at return city airport to your home. If you choose to meet the group in Tel Aviv, Israel, you are responsible to book your own arriving (3 hours prior group arrival)/departing (3 hours after group departs) flights. Therefore, you may use our transfer with the group. (Join the group on the bus upon arrival at the airport and get a ride with the group back to the airport upon departure). We only make separate transport arrangements upon request for an additional fee.
Round-trip jet economy class airfare (If chose Air & Land Package)
First class hotels – accommodations based on 2 persons sharing a room.
Full Buffet – breakfast, lunch & dinner daily
Transfers by private motor coach including a qualified guide.
Porterage for one suitcase per person not to exceed 50 lbs.
Fees to enter scheduled sites.
Meals not specified in the itinerary and gratuities, optional tours not listed in itinerary, Jordan River Baptisms cloth are extra $10 if baptized, charges for passports, visas, vaccinations and inoculations, laundry, liquor, excess baggage charges, accident and baggage insurance, trip cancellation or interruption insurance, medical expense insurance, telephone or cable charges, private nongroup transfer, items of a personal nature, and any items not specifically listed as included.
Insurance is not included in any tour package. Insurance for baggage, trip cancellation or Interruption, or medical emergency is available by request.
INSURANCE IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED. Insurance may be purchased at AJET Israel. AJET Israel will send information for this item upon your deposit confirmation.
A valid passport is required for all participants. You must have a valid Passport with a minimum of 6 months from date of return from Israel or you will not be allowed travel on the airlines or possibly admitted into Israel. There is no Visa requirement for citizens of the Europe/USA/Canada for travel to Israel. Other nationals and Green Card holders should contact the appropriate consulate for regulations. Air passengers traveling to Israel are required to present a negative COVID-19 test result. Airlines must confirm the negative test result or documentation of recovery for all passengers before boarding.
No other inoculations are required at press time for travel to Israel, but please check with local public health authorities for up-to-date information.
Baggage limite is based on your flight ticket. Please check when you purchase. Standard baggage sizes are not larger than 62 inches or exceed 50 lb. All excess baggage charges will be collected at the airport at your expense. Baggage and your personal properties are at “own risk” throughout the tour.
AJET Israel is not responsible for lost or damaged baggage.
Baggage insurance is recommended.
*SPECIAL NOTE FOR PASSENGERS USING OUR AIRFARE: Any cancellations received 91 days or earlier prior to departure will incur an additional $100 cancellation charge over and above the charges stipulated under the normal cancellations for this tour.
Cancellations received prior to 91 days before departure – forfeit $300.00 non-refundable deposit.
90-60 days prior to departure (*$100 canceled flight fee-our airfare) plus $450.00 administrative fee per person charged.
59-46 days prior to departure (*$100 canceled flight fee-our airfare) plus $850.00 administrative fee per person charged.
45-31 days prior to departure charged 40% of the total tour cost.
30- days prior to departure forfeit 100% of the total
Tour cost refund are on case by case basis.
If approved: Refunds are issued within 4-6 weeks.
*Your country issues travel advisories for traveling to certain countries from time to time. It is your (the travelers) responsibility to review these advisories and determine if travel to those parts of the world is safe.
AJET Israel assumes no responsibility for your safety in those countries. Please contact your countries office for additional information.
AJET Israel, PanAf Travel LLC and their agents act solely in the capacity of agents for the passengers in all matters pertaining to hotel accommodations, sightseeing, tours and transportation, whether by air, railroad, motor coach, steamship boat or other means and, as such, hold themselves free of responsibility for any damage(s) from any cause(s) whatsoever. The tour operator will not be responsible for any damage, expense or inconvenience caused by late air, rail, or boat arrivals or departures or by any change of schedules or other conditions: nor will they be responsible for the loss of, or damage to baggage or any article of belonging to the passenger. The right is also reserved to decline to accept or retain any person traveling under our auspices. The carriers concerned are not to be held responsible for any act, omission or event during the time passengers are not on board their plane or conveyance. The passenger contract used by the carriers concerned, when issued, shall constitute the sole contract between the carriers and the purchasers of this tour and/or the passengers. “This brochure is issued on the sole responsibility of the Tour Operator. It is not issued on behalf and does not commit the airline mentioned therein or any airline whose services are used in this course of the tour.” The Tour Operator and their agents and suppliers reserve the right to change sequence of the itinerary to re-route, substitute or change certain site visits according to local conditions at the time of your stay.
AJET Israel uses multiple forms of media (such as photographs and video footage) for advertising, promotional materials, web pages and publications. You fully authorize AJET Israel to use video, photographs, and other forms of media taken of you, in any or all of the above-mentioned forms.
I, hereby authorize AJET Israel & PanAf Travel LLC to use any photographs and/or video footage taken of myself in any and all publication forms mentioned above.
In consideration of my being accepted by AJET Israel for participation on this Tour to Israel, I make the representations and undertakings set out below:
If I am younger than 18 years of age, I will have a notarized parental consent form signed by both of my parents and will be traveling with an adult.
I am in good health and have received or will receive all vaccinations recommended by my county or state health department for travel in the countries or areas to be visited on this trip (if applicable).
I know that international travel involves danger and risk. I acknowledge that the dangers and risks include, but are not limited to, the hazards of travel by air, boat, raft, jeep, automobile, bus, taxi, bicycle, and on foot, travel in foreign countries, in jungles, mountains, high altitudes, steep terrain; travel and/or attendance at meetings among possibly unfriendly persons; sickness or injury in areas where medical assistance may be primitive or inadequate, unavailable or not readily available, and/or where rapid evacuation is not available; or where there is exposure to crime, to civil unrest and to forces of nature or other dangers. I understand that the above and other possibilities are risks in any travel.
I know that AJET Israel does not accept any responsibility for injury, illness, or loss suffered by me, and that all medical and personal expenses in connection with or made necessary by my illness or injury on this trip are my own responsibility.
I acknowledge that AJET Israel does not accept any responsibility for any injury, loss, or damage. I further acknowledge that AJET Israel has recommended that I carry or obtain primary medical insurance to cover possible medical needs including evacuation occurring during this trip and that AJET Israel has recommended that I obtain travel insurance covering personal injury, trip delay, change or cancellation, loss of or damage to baggage, and other standard risk coverage for this trip. If desired this insurance can be purchased through AJET Israel as per request.
I hereby assume all risk of personal injury, sickness, or death, and damage to or loss of my personal property, and any delay, change or cancellation of travel arrangements, and any and all other damage or expenses I may suffer as a result of participation in this trip or in activities related to it. I agree to be fully responsible for my actions. Should I become ill or injured or suffer other damage, I will pay all costs involved including costs of evacuation and medical care I might receive.
I accept and assume all risks and hazards from this activity, both known and unknown, including but not limited to the risks and hazards identified above.
I hereby voluntarily release, forever discharge, and agree to hold harmless and indemnify AJET Israel, its directors, officers, agents, employees, coordinators, facilitators, volunteers, and other team members & PanAf Travel LLC from any and all liability, claims, demands, actions or rights of actions, which are related to, arise out of, or are in any way connected with my participation in this activity, which I now have in the future, specifically including but not limited to the negligent acts or omissions of any person so released, held harmless and indemnified, and specifically including claims relating to any personal injury that I may suffer.
I agree not to make a claim, file suit or demand anything for any injury, death, or loss that arises from my participation in this activity. Initials:
I agree to pay the costs and/or legal expenses incurred by the trip leaders, organizers and/or participants as a result of any claim or suit filed by me, or filed by anyone else as a result of my conduct.
I consent and agree to pay for any medical treatment rendered to me by anyone for any injury or other medical situation during/or resulting from my participation.
I agree that these promises, agreements, assumptions of risk and releases bind me, my family, all minors with me or on whose behalf I sign, and my heirs or legal representatives and assigns.
I hereby make each of the above statements, acknowledgements, authorizations, releases, discharges, hold harmless agreements, indemnities and other agreements on behalf of my minor child or children, accompanying me or participating alone on this trip whose name(s) appear(s) on the registration form, and agree that they shall be binding on each minor child, his heirs, successors and assigns.
*AJET Israel
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